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What Is Love?

Love is an abstract noun, my English teacher told me.

Love is an unexpected feeling, I guess.

Love comes unexpectedly, the experts said so.

Love, they say, is life.

Hmm… Love is a battle, one has to win or lose.

Love is a medicine, it can heal all diseases.

Love is a poison, it makes you suffer!

Love is a tree, it gives shade and bears many fruits for mankind.

Love is a toffee, it tastes great, but that is not always the case.

Love is delicious like food, the elders say.

Love is sour like oranges. The sourness comes from an acid, the chemist will say.

God is Love, the Christians believe.

Love is not jealous, the Holy Bible says so.

Love does not hurt, the marriage counsellor advised.

Love is a matter of the heart.

Love is where you feel safe, accepted and comfortable.

Love is trust, my first lover told me so.

Love is companionship, my ex told me so.

Love can easily turn into hate based on my experiences.

Love is the hope of freedom according to the history of my motherland (Ghana).

Love is wicked, because it can urge one to commit murder.

Love is blind, my friends who are heads over-heels in love can testify.

Love is like a book full of the mystery of life, full of different pages where each chapter differs from the other.

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