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Things They Say

Remnants of broken friendships gather dust, as they grieve the air that once blew color.

Seeing you now would make it hard to believe there was ever a time we couldn't say goodbye to each other,

Because who are we now, if not two people dealing with the aftermath of tear-soaked letters and fading wonder?

But they say it's okay,

They say it's okay that we've put space between one another because there's still so much to discover,

But how do I tell them that I think of you each time the weather changes?

You always complained about the cold and I guess I got that from you.

How do I tell them that I can't escape you?

Each time someone compliments my necklace, I feel a little more alone even though I don't necessarily do.

They say that these things happen in life,

That it's good to put some distance between my current state of mind and the life I've left behind -

But man, what if they're not right?

All I know is that I miss you and I can't say it to you and that certainly doesn't feel right.

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