I love someone.
But I know it can’t be.
At least, not now.
Because how could it?
How could I show them the love I feel for them
When my love is being shown
To something else?
Something equally as important as them.
Something equally as life-changing as them.
Something equally as ever lasting as them.
Something I love as equally as them.
I don’t have time to be present in time with them.
I don’t have time to be distracted from my goals.
I don’t have time to feel these emotions.
I don't have time to just exist with them.
I don’t have time to love someone.
I only have time to study.
I only have time to do my IA’s.
I only have time to do my EE.
I only have time to apply to universities.
I only have time to be a student.
I’ve been given an opportunity at Pearson
To become greater than ever possible at home.
I can’t let myself slip up.
I can’t let myself slack off.
I need to take full advantage of what I have.
I need to push myself beyond my limits.
I need to get the most out of my education.
Even if it means I break myself in the process.
I need to prove I deserve to be here.
Even if it means I lose myself in the process.
I love someone.
The someone I love is me.
I say that I love me, but do I really?
How can I?
How can I say I love me when I show the love
meant for me to everything
except for me?