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Ordinary and Mundane

Your cold fingertips grazing

My heart-shaped locket -

The touch takes a toll on the

Color and texture of my secrets.

Remains of sunscreen on

The soft edges of my cheeks -

They glisten in the Sun

And give a twirl on the beach.

Lightly you tug on the sleeves

Of my sun-bleached jacket -

My pity and painful smile

I keep it locked and hidden.

A teabag left in the mug,

My lips taste saccharine -

Laundry you left behind

Penny in the washing machine.

The coffee stain on my heart you

Couldn’t bother to wipe off -

I might be cursed because

This casualty is bleeding in me.

The ordinary and the mundane

And how well they blend -

Like the yawn of a great dane

I wish this poem could end.

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