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Empowering Children's Healthcare: My Journey at Lao Friends Hospital for Children

I still remember the feeling when I received a response about my summer volunteer work. I was thrilled when I found out that I had the opportunity to work at Lao Friends Hospital for Children (LFHC), the only children's hospital that provides free healthcare for children in Laos. It was recently established in 2015 and has worked hard to ensure that every child in the northern part of the country receives the healthcare they deserve.

On the first day of work, the hospital staff welcomed me and gave me a tour. It was crowded with families and their children who traveled from remote areas to see a doctor. My first tasks were making posters and translating e-newspapers to support the communication team. However, after, I made my way into the operating room. I was privileged to shadow a competent anesthesiologist volunteer from Australia and an Anesthesiology professor from the United States. Despite being the youngest and only female in the operating room, my heart built no trepidation because seeing the procedure that saved those children's lives intrigued me more.

Living in an underdeveloped country where most people do not have access to secondary school, I am privileged to have access to sciences, something many people in Laos struggle to encounter. That is why I was not surprised when I saw the fear and tiredness in the children's eyes. With that, I long to commit myself to use my knowledge to comfort and provide compassionate care to those children in Laos.

LFHC just marked its 8th anniversary last week and was so pleased that the hospital has developed that system from being dependent on foreign medical staff to run by Laos medical staff entirely. Despite the progress, the hospital still needs funds to continue helping children in Laos. So, if you would like to be part of this amazing hospital, you can donate through their $2 campaign and visit them at or Facebook page: Lao Friends Hospital for Children. On behalf of the Laos people, I would like to express my gratitude for your support; together, we can make a difference.

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